"Problem-solving" mode

It seems to me that when I enter into someone’s pain and empathize with their plight I can a credibility and a passport that I would not have received had I not done that. In other words, as a man I have a tendency to be super analytical. This causes problems sometimes as I am always in “problem-solving” mode. Some people are not interested in me solving their problems and that makes me impatient with them. Or at least that is the way I see it.

When there is a problem, or when people are communicating a problem to me, a lot of the time they are testing me. Testing to see whether I will enter into their struggle and show compassion. As I identify with them I build credibility and may even be granted passport to help them solve their issue. That is difficult for me but I have seen it time and time again. It is a new “problem-solving” mode but the problem solved is much different. It is a problem with me and the solving has to do with my tendency to control and dominate rather than relate.

People do not want a “go to” guy to solve all of their problems. They want a relationship. And what an awesome gift that they desire a relationship with me. There is nothing I can think of that is sweeter than this.


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