
So when have I crossed the line between having an opinion or conviction about something to being self-important? I think opinions and convictions. although they do leave some people uncomfortable, are a fine thing. We cannot live life without them and shouldn’t. Many people feel that the presence of convictions are at least the precursor to legalism. I do not hold that belief. Legalism is the view that Christianity is primarily a list of rules that should be followed. If you do not follow the list, your spirituality and either your relationship or fellowship with God is in question. This is in contrast to license which views Christianity is primarily a list of freedoms that must be defended. Your spirituality and either your relationship or fellowship with God is in question if you do not hold the view that one item (or all of the list) is not an accurate reflection of how you want to live out your Christian walk. In the middle is liberty.

We cross into self-importance when we have an agenda and that agenda frames our interactions with everyone. For example, just the other day my wife commented on a gentleman’s sweater in our church saying how much she liked it. He responded by saying something to the effect of “Well, if this church is going to go liberal I might as well dress the part.” There is no question that this man has had a hard time with the new “liberal” (not in doctrine but in manner) leanings of the church we attend. But why in the world would someone turn a compliment into an opportunity to further an agenda? In other words it is like saying, “I know exactly what you want to talk about but that is absolutely inadequate. Here, let’s talk about this.”

Self-importance. I am the master of my destiny and I am the captain of my fate. Shrivel up and die if you come to me with something that does not interest me for I will have no time for you. Approach me on my terms or find me unapproachable. I am a servant of God and I have no time for even the beginning of a relationship with you. My words and the words of those whom I hold dear will be the only ones let into my head or escape from my lips.

God save me from self-importance. May I see me for who I am. Nothing more and nothing less that an instrument for your glory. May I avail myself of opportunities to strengthen the relationships you have entrusted me with so that I can effectively evangelize, disciple, and most importantly, love.


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