Blog post about blog posts

On my way into the office this morning I was thinking about different things to write about and thought I would write about the different things I was thinking about writing about. Here is a list of potential topics that I would like to address at some point:
  • Female Christian music artists that have influenced me.
  • Why it seems that every fast food restaurant has more and more things for $1.
  • The lack of my understanding about a topic and the influence it makes in whether it is ultimately true, a good idea, or something to avoid. (read: none)
  • The fact that I can change a couple of letters in a sentence or sentence fragment and make it stick around in my head for a longer time than usual. (mowing green lawns - gone in an instant; towing keen prawns - I'll probably tell Nan about it)
  • Modular XSLT stylesheets.
  • The stress of the past week and a half and the lifting of much of that stress in the second half of the day yesterday.
  • Why 5:00 p.m. and Friday are not the magic time and day a lot of people seem to make them out to be and how that can be applied to the areas in my life that I tend to wish away.
  • My gnat-like attention span.
Then again, maybe none of this will make it into my blog. Actually, my gnat-like attention span almost assures that.


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