VeggieTales Live

We went to a VeggieTales Live concert last night in Buffalo, NY and had a blast. It was a lot of fun and we snapped literally hundreds of pictures of the event. It is hard to get a good picture because there was so much movement on stage and there was no flash photography. I think we got enough for a decent scrapbook page or two of the event. The boys were jazzed. The oldest was jumping up and down quite a bit and the youngest was a little overwhelmed I think. We were in the second row of seats in the middle but off to the left of the stage a bit. I have attached a picture of the event that I think was one of the better ones we got. I appreciate the Big Idea folks and what they are doing. VeggieTales is a very wholesome show and speaks values to my kid’s hearts. I’ll support that any day of the week.

There are some people at our church that are not too high on the VeggieTales
for a variety of reasons. I think that a lot of their problem stems from the fact that there is a modern approach to learning the truth about the Bible that does not fit into their preconceived frame of reference. At least I think that is the heart of it. All I know is we can and do reference the lessons my boys have learned through the VeggieTales quite often in the week. It is powerful reinforcement of the Biblical lessons they learn from us and our church. Don't mess with the Veggies.


  1. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed the show. Thanks for your continuing support of the veggies.

  2. No problem. Thanks for reading and for being Larry! Have to say the boy's favorite is Pa and Archibald, but Larry is decent enough I guess. :)


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