The Edge Effect and the Divine Nature - Part 2
In part one of this series I noticed something that was true about God and that was expressed in the nature of humanity. It is namely this: when we, as humans, have close relationships with people who are dramatically different from us we have a tendency to be at our creative zenith. We tend to view life in a way that is completely different than what we have fallen into over the near course of our lives. This is also seen in nature in a phenomenon known as the "edge effect". At the point where two ecosystems meet, there is an explosion in the type and variety of flora and fauna. Of course, this should not take us by surprise as the Bible says that nature, and especially man, contains some of the characteristics of God himself.
We know, from the Bible, that God is diverse. Now, there is no one or nothing above or beside him, but we find that he is comprised of a singular unity of three Persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The implications of the Trinity are absolutely staggering and there is no way we will be able to comprehend it. Immortal as we are it is just not our lot to approach the least modicum of comprehension. However, as creative as God is, it is no wonder that he is diverse.
Can we not look at the design and purpose of what has been created and not marvel? I mean, I think that if we are not impressed by nature we are either faking it or we are more rock-like than we ought to be. God's staggering explosion of creativity, I am convinced, is due in no small part to the edge effect. Namely, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are so diverse, and in such close unity with each other, that he cannot help but express his nature and this circumstance in the burst of creativity that we see around us. It is almost as if he has left some breadcrumbs of this singular plurality where his ecosystems meet and where the diversity of his creation explodes and thrives.
And, made in his image, I see new space to occupy.
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