Spell check in ScribeFire (Chrome 19)
For the longest time I have used the ScribeFire plugin for Firefox and, now, for Chrome 19 for blogging, but not had a functional spell checker in that plugin. Not so recently, I had subscribed to a post about it in a feature list or bug parade type of forum and have been monitoring the progress of the enabling of the spell checker for the plugin. Well, I finally have it working.
I received a post that kind of put me on the right track. Here is what I did: it turns out that the ScribeFire plugin is uses TinyMCE which is a WYSIWYG browser-based editing control. Well, there is a file called tinymcesrc.js (in the Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions directory) where there is a line that reads
if (!s.gecko_spellcheck)
t.getBody().spellcheck = 0;
The value of the t.getBody().spellcheck needs to be changed from 0 to 1. Once that was done I was able to use an inline spell checker ala MS Word.
If the file mentioned earlier is no in the directory mentioned earlier, just search for it on the C: drive and make the specified edits.
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