A billion salvations
We had some layoffs at my place of employment a couple of weeks ago. I knew virtually everyone who was impacted by the IRIF (involuntary reduction in force) so it was not a comfortable day for me in the least. After all of the activity was over my boss called the entire group together to give us a heads up on what just happened and the reason for it. Towards the end of the meeting one of my co-workers piped up and said that the entire layoff was botched. He mentioned that the "boxes" for packing up the personal things of the employees that were let go were delivered 10 days prior to the layoff and everyone had been walking around on egg shells since the delivery. He opined that the next time this happened it should be done in a better way. It was up to that point I had forgotten all about the box delivery. It was up to that point I had forgotten that I had a conversation with one of my co-workers 10 days prior that the boxes had been delivered and that there was going to be a...