Yeah - that didn't take long

From the "yeah that didn't take long" department comes this report: I subscribed to some podcasts that may even help me think more about God and improve my relationship with Him. I have had an iPod since December of 2006 and only now am I realizing that I could actually subscribe to podcasts that will replace the hole that was left when the local Christian radio station (that is now gone too) dropped broadcasting messages by Dr. David Jeremiah during my morning commute. I have since subscribed to the Grace to You (John MacArthur) and Let My People Think (Ravi Zacharias) podcasts and am listening to them in the car on the way to and from work and during assorted drivings around town. I wanted to find a Dr. David Jeremiah podcast, but, alas, there isn't one. I am in good hands with MacArthur and Zacharias though so I am not going to complain too bitterly about it.

I have, at the admonition of one of the pastors at my church two Sundays ago, taken up a challenge to pray every day for 30 days and I have not missed a day yet. This idea popped into my head one day and I wonder if it was the result of me praying. It is hard to tell, but I think that it may be too obvious to be a coincidence. I know that God orders my steps so coincidences are not part of how I view life, but I wonder if this is something that would not have happened if I did not pray. Maybe I will remember to ask Him about it when I see Him. Or maybe it will be revealed to me.

At any rate this question will not be answered this side of heaven and I will take C.S. Lewis' advice and merely say that "I prayed and it happened" stating nothing other than the obvious. And, yes, Virginia, I am quite good at stating the obvious.


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