Making the most of my time

My mind wanders a lot. I mean a lot. Too much. I need to force myself to, for example, take notes during a meeting. The meetings that I participate in, especially if they are over the web/conference call types, tend to find me zoning out and exploring areas of my mind that haven't been visited in a while. One thing that has really helped me is the blog and wiki that I have begun to use at work. Blogs and wikis are very public and I need to produce some high-quality input so that I am not embarrassed that people will actually read it. I also tell everyone that I am in a project with that I will be publishing content on the blog and wiki. That helps keep me accountable to pay attention and record quality items on them. I need that because I am, by nature, a free spirit and can be lazy at times. That's just me.

In fact, I need to post on my work blog now. Even if it is not entirely interesting it at least shows I am paying attention. And I need to do that for them...but especially for me.


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