Simply put I hope

If my weekend was any example it looks like I don't need a job to stay busy. There were things that were left undone that I wanted to do and things that I hadn't planned on doing that I did. And not all that well mind you...well, according to my standards anyway. I think both me and my wife were running a million miles an hour (if only in our heads) and will be through tonight. Then we can breathe if only for a shortened time.

Weekends like the one I just had impress upon me how easy it is to get busy with the trivial things in life and miss the big picture. It is so easy to miss all that is happening right before my eyes and leave it for someone else's observation. Or leave it unobserved and pining for attention. It is all too easily missed I'm afraid...all of it. The "loathsome" heat of the day, the blooming hydrangea, the little toads in the lawn, the sweet crisp cold breeze that lifts the choking, water-drenched veil, the ammonia cycle that is just beginning in my son's aquarium...where is it all going? Where does it all come from? Why won't I stop to contemplate the wonder of the answer to these questions?

Millions of foci, billions of effects and implications and only a single set of eyes and a mind bent on the pursuit of a mere speck of it all. How I long to shed this shell of death.


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