Lunatic fringe (with apologies to Red Rider)
Absent again. And, big surprise, no one noticed…save my family of course. I just completed another business trip to New Jersey and this one went smoothly in large part because I drove instead of flew. Of course it is a bit more stressful driving, but it beats the mad dash to the airport and the wait as the flight gets delayed. Or cancelled. For some reason the flights in and out of Rochester seem to take a back seat to those going to NY or even Buffalo. Then again it just may be my impression and not based in fact at all.
My wife and I are involved in a youth group for 3rd through 6th graders at our church. Tonight is the first outreach night where we will be duct taping the four lightest clubbers to the wall and watching a Sugar Creek Gang video. I have been praying that it will go well. I would love to see 55-60 kids there, but less than that number will be a success as well. As co-director I liken my involvement to the insane running the asylum, but that is another matter entirely. Hopefully I’ll have some good pictures to share when the event is over.
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