Later entry

OK, it has been a while since I have had an entry in this here blog. I would like to say it is because I have been so busy, but if I can devote an hour and a half to watch the premier of the Amazing Race last night then I guess I could easily take 5 minutes and get an entry in. Chalk it up to laziness, time mismanagement, or whatever other moniker you would like to attach to it. I’ll take it from there.

Every once and a while I get an overwhelming feeling that things are spinning out of control. I am looking at my schedule for the next couple of week and there is a lot that I need to put in place and accomplish. If there was ever a time that I needed to reject passivity and play the ball this is it. The stuff will get done (by His grace) but there is a lot that will be demanding my attention in the short to medium term both in and out of work.

Lord, I need You to build these weeks into what you want. I need Your strength to not presume my plans are your plans. I also need Your strength so that what You want for me will be accomplished the way You would want it to be.


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