3 azaleas and His image

One of the more intriguing aspects of God that I have come across is not necessarily His incommunicable attributes, but His communicable ones. The ones I participate in. God feels – He gets sad, happy, and feels satisfaction. Sometimes, like in the book of Job, it even seems like He is startled or amazed at Himself as He recounts to Job what He has made and, in so doing, reveals more of who He is. As I watered the azaleas last night I noticed the new growth on the one we just planted and the one that seems to have come back from the grave. The third has leaves in scathes on it and we won’t trim it as much this year so we’ll get more blossoms (hopefully) next spring. As I tend our garden I feel a certain level of satisfaction that it is growing and I have learned from prior mistakes. Made in His image and I am participating in His nature. My God, why did You create me like this? What glory is this? Surely man is the pinnacle of Your creation. And You have every reason to stand back in amazement of the art and artists you have crafted.


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