Why are relationships so hard?
Relationships are born out of and maintained by acts of service. There is not a single more powerful force in the universe than a relationship that is built on love. Nothing is more important in someone coming to Christ or growing in the Lord than a relationship. That having been said, relationships are the single greatest source of conflict we encounter. That is just the way the Enemy would have it. The Devil will seek to ruin our relationships with spouses, children, family, and friends. As citizens of one country attack another, as citizens within a country attack each other, as we seek to objectify one another for personal or monetary gain – all of this is an attack on what God uses to bring people to Himself more often than not. It is an attack on a love relationship.
Make a friend, be a friend, win a friend to Christ. Rescue the perishing, care for the dying. All of this will be accomplished when we throw off our hurried lifestyle and focus on people. We will be instruments of God if we seek His kingdom through a love relationship with Him and allow that to spill over into a love relationship with people.
Should it surprise us that relationships are so hard? No, for the Enemy has assembled his best weapons against them. But He that is in me is greater than he who is in the world. Assemble the armies! Calibrate your weapons! Fight for the relationships that will build His kingdom.
Make a friend, be a friend, win a friend to Christ. Rescue the perishing, care for the dying. All of this will be accomplished when we throw off our hurried lifestyle and focus on people. We will be instruments of God if we seek His kingdom through a love relationship with Him and allow that to spill over into a love relationship with people.
Should it surprise us that relationships are so hard? No, for the Enemy has assembled his best weapons against them. But He that is in me is greater than he who is in the world. Assemble the armies! Calibrate your weapons! Fight for the relationships that will build His kingdom.
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