Not that it was a unique situation...

I feel a bit like Seinfeld.  The big premise of his show was that he had real life experiences and worked them into his comedy act. My real life experiences are worked into this blog. And then this blog becomes a real life experience. Funny how we try to compartmentalize things that we do, but they always end up squirting through holes that we never thought were in the box to begin with.

I had to repent last night. Not that me repenting is anything out of the ordinary. I need to repent more than I do. I need to change my mind about a great many things, but I needed to repent last night in the middle of prayer meeting. I like to make people laugh. Call it what you wish, but I like it when I can do that. Anyway, I made a good joke last night at a light moment in the meeting and quite a few people laughed. The pastor even heard the joke and thought it was funny and told the gathered congregation and many of them laughed too. That was very self-gratifying. But that wasn’t the part I needed to repent about. Jesus loved to use humor in his ministry.

We went to prayer for a new pastor that started at the end of November and, as we were praying, I replayed the scene over and over again. Reveling in it rather than engaging in conversation with God. The words from the mouths of those praying weren’t my words. I was too busy remembering what I had done rather than what God had done and will do in response to His immutability. Vain prayers, self-satisfaction, a lying heart, an image of piety that was not real….do you get the picture? I did and I repented.


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