The Bee Girl - Part 2

For the proper context of this post I would encourage the reader to Part 1 of this series.

Well, the Bee Girl rejected the false community that derided her in the talent show. Now in the light that is gracing her as she exited the door to the back stage she journeys to find a community that will be more receptive to that portion of her identity. With apologies to Mr. Spock, the journey she takes is fascinating.

She finds numerous groups and individuals for which she performs while still in the bee suit. Admittedly the dance is a little wilder, perhaps more spontaneous, perhaps not, but she dances her heart out for these groups of people in an apparent attempt to make them understand. In short, they don't. She is met with curious stares and confusion. Some merely tolerate her, some come alongside her and even reach out to touch. 

Yet, she remains unfulfilled.

Her image, the one that drives her, the one in which she finds fulfillment, is not even remotely shared in the ones she seeks. There is no real affirmation, no point of contact, no deep down "I am yours and you are mine." Her frustration grows and her loneliness is palpable. Her private expression of the overflow of her image doesn't even satisfy. How could it? That is never the purpose of an image.

But her countenance changes as she peers through the garden gate that she happens upon. Yet it is beyond these iron bars that even more devils live. It is within this space that hell cannot be escaped. 


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