The Bee Girl - Part 3
I have been chronicling the journey of the Bee Girl in parts one and two . This is a further exploration of what I see. Peering through the gate the Bee Girl happens upon a magnificent scene. There are no less than 10 people: old, young, black, white, brown, who are all dressed in bee costumes much like hers. They are all dancing together in a green, sunlit field with joyfulness expressed in such a unique manner. This is what she had been seeking in the faces and posture of the people that she had met and that even led her on this journey. Needless to say she joins them. Her somewhat tattered bee suit blends right in with the others and they accept her as one of their own. How could they not? She looks just like them. I can't help but smile in relief that she has found her satisfaction in her image in the ones she now embraces. The ones that have seemingly longed for her. This scene seems so unlike the one in the beginning of the video. But it isn't. It isn't at all. Benea...