Personal peace and prosperity
I chase after personal peace and prosperity to the detriment of my soul. As long as my world is not rocking this way or that and as long as I have enough money in my pocket I hum a happy tune and know that life is good. The peace and affluence of this world is far too cheap a substitute for that which is offered in Christ. I overlook the riches of heaven and am far too easily pleased with the trappings of earth. But why?
Because Jesus Christ does violence to the darkness in my soul. The war that rages in my heart is that which God himself commands for he is far too jealous for me, his child, to leave me to my own devices or for me to attach myself to another god and father. His trajectory is ever towards himself and, thus, ever towards me. My vanity leads me deeper into myself and farther from the love that he has shed in my heart.
Peace and prosperity will be my lot for he has willed it. The source of it will only be found in him. He would have it no other way for it is for his glory and my ultimate good. But it is hard, so hard this side of heaven. But it will be so sweet; so sweet on the other side.
Dad, help me not to seek fulfillment and happiness here. Please help me long for the everlasting here and now eschewing the trinkets that distract me. You know that you made me for so much more. Show me that today.
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