Yet another way they can be like God

I have been enjoying the time that we have been spending in HighPoint this month at our base camp learning about different ways that God is growing all of us in faith, wisdom, and friendship. God has used the verse that we are focusing on this month, Luke 2:52, to take me in a direction that I have never been before. I have been thinking for a while now about my position before God both as a creation of His and also as someone made in His image. In other words, I, as a creature of His, need to resemble Him (bear His image) in every area of my life from husband, to dad, to uncle, to employee, to teacher...and when I do I am at my best. When I imitate Him I am exactly what He has created me to be and I will not be frustrated nor unproductive as I engage the world around me.

In meditating on Luke 2:52 I noticed something that relates to this. When my sons grow in faith, wisdom, and friendship they are imitating Christ himself. Even though it is a great mystery, the Bible says that Christ grew in these areas and did not come into this world with a full knowledge of himself and his Father. When my boys learn about God, when they strive to be the best friends that they can be, and when they put into practice the knowledge that they have gained from the Bible they are doing the exact thing that Christ did as he grew. It is both a comfort and a challenge to me in seeing that they can imitate the Son of God as they learn, grow, and mature. Of course this speaks to me on another level as well for I am to be the father to them that the Father is to His Son and to me. Thanks be to God that, through His grace, He gives me good things and strength to make this happen.

It is wonderful to think about isn't it? Isn't it just like our God to give His children both the desire and the means to imitate Him? He gets both more familiar and more mysterious every time I think about this. It also causes me to be thankful that my children can show Christ to a world that needs Him through getting to know Him and others more completely.


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