It doesn't have to destroy

But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid..." Genesis 50:19-21a

I cannot tell you how much I love these verses. Tucked away at the tail end of Genesis is a gem that I hold onto in the most trying of circumstances. Even the ones that I bring upon myself...the ones I fully deserve.

When my sin finds me out it does not have to destroy me. It can, but it doesn't have to. My just and faithful God (who is, himself, Justice and Faithfulness) will forgive me and command me to leave my life of sin thereby issuing me the means and the opportunity to grow. As a result of his forgiveness and command I have the opportunity to become more like Christ. Sin drags me far from him, and it also can show me the depth of his love for me. A depth that I would not have seen had I not sinned.

I believe that there is no love in this life without forgiveness. And God has made it so that my sin does not have to destroy me.

It can, so I need to shun it.

It doesn't have to, so I need to flee to him for forgiveness and power to overcome temptation.

He made it so and for this I need to offer my purist worship.


  1. Yes. I think it is so. I too have witnessed the loving hand of a Wonderful Father who takes what looks disastrous and makes it good.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Martha, and thanks for leaving a comment. I guess I cannot help but see of what God does with sin that finds me out and death itself. What Satan intended to use to drive us far from him, God has decided to use for the betterment of us. It makes my head explode at times. :)


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