Maybe...just maybe...

Opening my self up to input or direction seems to be more difficult for me than it should. A couple of experiences, one this weekend and one just this morning, is leading me ever down the path where maybe, just maybe, someone knows a little something more than me.

This weekend we had to get some slats for the bed and I thought that some nice 1x4's would do the trick. I don't recall ever seeing anything thicker than that on a bed frame so I had it in my mind that those would fit the bill. Of course my wife had it in her mind that some nice 2x4's would be better so, reluctantly, I went along with her. Well, $7 and three cuts with a circular saw later and the bed is as solid as it has ever been. She made a good call, but, hey, at least I didn't rain on her thought parade. So that's good, right?

This morning the weather was less than stellar with cold temperatures, wind, and rain. We were scheduled to go on a field trip with the youngest's kindergarten class and I was sure that it was going to be canceled. So sure that I didn't even make coffee until I was absolutely certain it was still on. I thought they were crazy to still have the trip and I was sure that I was going to dread every second of it. They were right...I was wrong. The field trip was great and the kids (and even I) had a great time. We even saw the sun.

Slowly but surely God is impressing on me that I am not the measure of all things. He is seeing to it that I call more wrong than right lately. If it makes me more holy I am all for it. As painful as that is at times.


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