I need to be more consistent

It has to happen. Since I broke the treadmill last year humming along at an all-too-fast pace I have not been entirely consistent about jogging. Of course it is difficult to do in 20° weather, but I have seen some really nice mornings this spring and summer and have not taken advantage of them. At the same time I have been a bit lazy and have not gone my full 3 miles preferring to dump out at 2.4 or 2.5 miles. Well, I am slowly working my way back to 3 miles and have a commitment to jog at least 3 morning a week. I would like to do 4 (I don't think I have ever jogged on a Saturday) so that may happen as well.

At any rate 3 mornings a week would be a great improvement over where I have been. Thank God for second chances. I am happy that I am doing a consistent 9-minute mile now and want to see if I can stretch that into a 3-mile time of 27 or 27.5 minutes.

Oh if you are on facebook be sure to visit my gallery of plaid. You won't be happy that you did...trust me.


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