I can get used to this

So there we were, the four of us, in the pet store (locally-owned, of course) to get the fish for my son's aquarium. He and his brother were laughing their fool heads off at the ferrets that were playing with each other while I scouted out the fish that would do well in our aquarium.

They eventually made their way back and after showing the youngest son his choices (white cloud minnows, glowlight tetras, or cherry barbs) his choice was the tetras. We got five of them and I also got some java moss and got the moss tied to a rock (I think I need to re-tie it) and got the fish into the tank. They seem to be happy and are eating what we're feeding so that is good. I wish I had seen the panda corydoras catfish before I got the tetras as they are tougher to find and we would have scored them first. Oh well - they still may be there in the next two weeks or so when I am confident that the tetras are all right and the water parameters check out.

Just a classic family moment that was the culmination of some hard work and a lot of patience on behalf of my son. He is a lot like me in that he loves animals and wants to make sure that things will be fine before he gets them. With that attitude it was easy to convince him that we needed to make sure the water was good to house them as they would have died if we put them in there too soon. He's a good boy and I am so happy that he is my son.


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