He's very patient

From what I know about Satan, he seems to be very patient. He is probably the most patient being in this universe apart from God. It seems that he is more than happy to get a foul ball here, a ground out there, then...there it is...a double! Pretty soon he'll be hitting singles quite regularly with an occasional triple or two. The home run is what he is after, but he is patient. He has my whole life to get it done.

I guess that is why the sin that so easily entangles me is such an issue. The more contact I make with the ball the more confident I will be that I could get away with a single here or a double there. Maybe a triple this one time won't be such an issue...maybe. Then it happens and I have gone and done it. There will be no question how I would have arrived at this place. But there would also be no question that his patience was what did me in.

I have to be so careful and it takes a lot of energy. But His grace is sufficient for me. And He has covered me with His grace.

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