The release of confession

I got caught in a hurricane
No one but myself to blame
I got lost in the rain
Then I got stuck in a spider web
Tangled up in all my cares
Such a lonely affair - Lose This Life, Tait

I admit the deed (Can you hear the beating?) - The Tell-Tare Heart, Tourniquet

As a Christian I am called to confess (agree, admit) and, in so doing, find release. Going, making my peace with God is a daily walk for me. Not that I lose my sonship, but I am a rebellious child as God slowly melts my heart and molds it to match that of His Son's. There is such release when, finally, I can come to God as I am when my entire being moves in concert toward Him and I admit that I am undone, weak, and in need of His grace once again.

And then there are implications for my relationships and fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I had a friend in college that I never heard confess a single sin. Of course he ascribed to the orthodox position that he was a sinner in need of saving, but as I hung out with him I wondered if there was something that was wrong with me because of the depth of the depravity I experienced. Humbly, carefully, I must approach the other members of Christ's body and admit my deeds of the flesh.

God would have it no other way.

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