All I want to see
It is good to be home. The trip was, well, interesting to say the least. The meetings went well and we got a lot done, but the flight we were on to come home (Newark to D.C.) was cancelled and we had to settle on a 6:00 am flight from Newark to Chicago to Rochester. Um, ok – I guess that makes sense to someone. The flight was very comfortable from Newark to Chicago but very full from Chicago to Rochester. I did get to catch up on my Bible reading a bit and I am only two chapters behind in the New Testament schedule. That is good for me – especially since it is June and I am usually pretty behind by now. My wife and the boys were happy to see me which was nice. It rained all day when I got home, but in between showers I did manage to plant some hydrangea. Yesterday was perfect and I got all of the brush and branches hauled out from the backyard to the front for the town to pick up.
I was impressed by a conversation I overheard from two ladies at our church. Some people have not been real happy that there has been a series of sermons preached about the Da Vinci Code and I overheard one of them say to the other “I think that is the last message on that book…” in a voice that conveyed both disgust and relief. I hope they got more out of the sermon series than that. Here is a list of the topics that were covered either explicitly or implicitly in the series:
- post-modernism’s focus on allegory vs. the enlightenment’s focus on history/theology/philosophy
- Christology – some of the finest I have heard in a while
- Church history from the time of the Apostles to the Council of Nicea
- the mechanics of the composition of the Canon
- who was Mary Magdalene – I did not know, for example, that Mary was from Magdalene
And there were other things as well. Please show me some grace on the enlightenment comment – I know the issues. It just goes to show me that I can choose to either endure something I do not like with arms folded across my chest and furrowed brow, or I can look for more than the conflict I have constructed. I pray that I would be that way for I fall, all to easily, into the worldly patterns that I despise.
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