Peering over the wall

Wow it has been busy the past couple of days. I am coming up on a deadline for a document that I am in charge of editing so things are in high gear with that. I dropped off all of the documentation to contest our assessment (the second hearing) so we’ll see how that goes. They say you can’t fight city hall, but this is the town rather than the city. The every day stuff of life is just that. And to rise above it and get a glimpse of the One who orchestrates it all is just that as well. The high purpose and calling of marriage, parenthood, career, or even ministry is not as high as the calling I received all those years ago.

In 1988 I graduated from an awesome high school where I truly met Christ in a profound and meaningful way. Through service I participated in the divine nature and it was home to me. In the midst of it I realize that I would seek that same God at college. Rather He led me on a journey deeper into Himself and I began a relationship with Him through Christ as He convicted me of my sin and saved me from Hell through a study in the book of John. Since then He has guided me and provided for me better than I could have done myself. So much better.

I want to know as I am known
And see You as You are.
Every knee will bow and all will proclaim:
All creation sings!
Hail! The King of Kings! - AD

And trusting Him with my salvation has led me to a perspective that I never thought possible. The big thing has been taken care of – I have been crucified to the world and the world has been crucified to me. Now that the process of increasing Christ-likeness has been started I pray that it continues to my dying day. Arriving in position and not arriving in practice I long for the revelation of what I have been saved from. For it is then when I will know as I am known and see Him as He is.


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