Life change

Life change. That is what I am after. Whether it is changing my relationship with food (I know, I sound like Dr. Phil) or changing the way I deal with situations I want to do things differently - maybe a tweak here and an adjustment there, but I want to be different. Even if the things that I have changed are only internal and perceptible to me. And I want that change to be permanent. Not some fleeting New Year's resoultion that is abandoned in April, but a life long drive towards a goal.

This will be my 100th post. There are people here that have been blogging for a lot longer than me, but their prolific tendencies are not my yardstick. My yardstick is Christ and the practical application of measuring myself against Him is if I am trending toward the better and acting more and more like Him. Do I fall in the same areas? Do I have the same thought patterns year after year? Do I find the same destructive patterns in my relationships? All of this and more is firmly in the realm of the Spirit Himself and He is the flame the purifies me.


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