I'll never be the same

She stands in the waiting she looks down to speak
Your eyes speak invitation to follow with the beat
She said oh no I'll never be the same You struck my heart like lightning
I'll never be the same  - King’s X

Coming out of the shower is when I usually have an idea about what I want to write about for the day. Not today. But I do know this: I am a different person than I was last year. Some of those changes have been voluntary and some of them have been produced in me. As I reflect on them I like them. I really do, and that is a good position to be in. I am not where I want to be – not where God wants me to be – but as I grapple with that I realize that where I want to be is heaven and in the new body that He has promised me. So I strive to live out in practice what I am in position. The changes that I have made in my life (and the ones made for me) have helped me in that regard and for that I thank God.

Every year I want to be different. I want to make changes in the places that I have control over and rely on God to continue the good work He started in me in 1988 (and even prior to that). I know “control” is a funny thing when it comes to my relationship with God, but please extend grace to me as I sort that through.


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